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Wednesday, 1 July





Finland, Germany, Serbia


Jelena Kuljic, vocals; Kalle Kalima, guitar; Frank Möbus, guitar; Christian Lillinger, drums


We were in for a huge surprise at Jazzahead 2014, and the band that gave this highly impressive performance comes from Berlin. A fortuitous international line-up comprises drums, two electric guitars and a charismatic singer Jelena Kuljić, whose voice of steel and dark chocolate soars hauntingly above the quartet’s melody lines. Underlined by intricately patterned solos and indulging in a range of styles, from electro-dance to jazz-punk, the band’s climate appears to be carved out of a dream. Refusing to accept romantic notions of music, their debut album, Sex against Eating (Sex gegen Essen, 2014), confronts the listener with a forceful yet simple musical challenge. 

A line-up with a capital L and their take on Jazz in the City! 


CD Club at 22.00
