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Thursday, 2 July

Craig Taborn & Mats Gustafsson Duo 

USA, Sweden


Craig Taborn, piano; Mats Gustafsson, reeds

This duo of modern jazz giants from two seemingly distant corners of the world or genres is one of the festival’s most eagerly anticipated concerts. Taborn is the foremost exponent of modern jazz piano and an ECM recording artist, and has been playing with a long line of illustrious artists, including Tim Berne, Chris Lightcap, James Carter, Roscoe Mitchell, Michael Formanek and David Binney, to name but a few. On the other side we have Gustafsson, a European sax ace in the lineage of Peter Brötzmann, who can scream louder than your ears can bear but who also can deliver the most phenomenal slap-tonguing you can imagine, barely playing any orthodox saxophone sound. Will they find a way? If you know them well enough and you know about their commitment to music you know what they’re capable of.

CD Club at 22.30 – world premiere


