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Saturday, 4 July


Elephant 9 with Reine Fiske

Norway, Sweden


Ståle Storløkken, keyboards; Nikolai Eilertsen, bass; Torstein Lofthus, drums; Reine Fiske, guitar


Led by keyboard player Ståle Storløkken (Terje Rypdal, BigBang, Supersilent and Motorpsycho), this band also features the most incredible electric rhythm section you can find (bassist Nikolai Eilertsen and drummer Torstein Lofthus), and was in 2012 joined by the Swedish guitarist Reine Fiske who has lent his art to many prog-rock projects, such as Landberk, Morte Macabre or Paatos, but is best known for playing in the Dungen band.

If you like being thrilled, don't miss this.



CD Club at 00.30 

