Cankarjev dom, live and premiere streaming
The 61st Jazz Festival Ljubljana (JFL) will be an experiment in creating a novel, transitory concert format and pursuing the goal of sustaining high standards of artistic production which both supports music-making and production and caters to the needs of music audiences.
Festival pa ohranja tudi svoj mednarodni značaj. Tako bodo poleg številnih slovenskih glasbenikov iz svojih matičnih držav z ekskluzivno produkcijo za naš festival nastopili priznani glasbeniki iz Australia, Belgium, Bosnia in Hercegovina, Italy, Canada, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and the US.
The programme curated by artistic directors Bogdan Benigar and Edin Zubčević will be held in Cankarjev dom’ Linhart Hall, the Council of Europe Park and via online platforms. The concert-goers will be able to support the Linhart Hall events by purchasing tickets, while the concerts enjoyed from a distance (online and in the Council of Europe Park) will be admission-free.
“Life goes on and music is its inseparable companion. In the changed circumstances social responsibility has become social necessity. Cankarjev dom is confident that providing conditions for music-making and temporarily diverting music from a currently non-existent market into a new format is prerequisite for the future of music. The 61st Jazz Festival Ljubljana is thus primarily an artistic action that offers ‘jazz from a distance’ as a new, provisional reality of the interaction between musicians – production – audiences. A new reality that can still astonish and astound. Join us!”
Bogdan Benigar and Edin Zubćević