Alphabet: Gaj Bostič – Eris

    Wed / 17.06. at 21:15

    Park CD , Ljubljana

    admission free

    CD Park, live

    Gaj Bostič, drums; Vid Šketa, trumpet; Nejc Poljanec, accordion; Jošt Lampret, electric bass, double bass

    Gaj Bostič’s project ERIS seeks to translate into music the characteristics of Eris, the largest dwarf planet in the solar system named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. He will express these ideas with a line-up consisting of bassist Jošt Lampret, whose colossal low-frequencies serve as a potent baseline; Nejc Poljanec, whose accordion expands the sound spectrum, and Vid Šketa, whose otherworldly tones complement Eris’ luminosity. Carried by this body of sound, the music transcends the boundaries of the solar system and enters as yet unchartered territories.