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CD Club, 5 July 2014

Given the similarities in expression and the leading instrument, Saturday’s first concert that took place in the CD Club (Gianluca Petrella & Giovanni Guidi Duo “Soupstar”) was an ideal complement to the Friday’s last (De Beren Gieren feat. Susana Santos Silva).

The gigs’ commonly shared traits were doubtlessly the fractured structure, sudden changes in dynamic and extended techniques of playing the trumpet/trombone. Delivering curt, abrupt lines, which he decomposed impromptu and then reconstructed, the Italian trombone player, Gianluca Petrella, would also engage in an inspired and succulent, “old-fashioned” playing one would expect from a big band, with the difference that Petrella’s sole support was the dispersed yet invariably solid piano accompaniment by Giovanni Guidi. This posed no obstacle to Petrella who would spiritedly play the precious big-band themes, thus evoking the era of swing, the sound of New Orleans jazz as well as the 1960s South African jazz.

Mario Batelić

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Photo Nada Žgank