Accompanying Programme

    Festival Centre (Foyer II)

    Exhibitions, reading, premises for hanging out with friends and encountering filmmakers and film buffs. Coffee and other beverages, Liffe's Eurosad apples, talks and much more. Every day from 13.00 until the end of the last screening. Liffe’s in town!

    Film Bar – Festival Bookshop

    Throughout the festival between 15.00 and 21.30
    Read or buy books after seeing a film.

    The festival bookshop is a place to hang out, an opportunity to prolong the film experience through reflection. The Book Bar’s menu features a selection of books about film in Slovenian and foreign languages. The bar, which also sells books selected by five national film connoisseurs, occasionally turns into a venue for talks and more.
    Liffe’s Film Bar is run by the Ljubljana UNESCO City of Literature office.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.mestoliterature.si

    Exhibition of Liffe Poster Ideas IF LIFFE…

    2–20 November 
    Festival Centre, CD’s Foyer II
    With: Graphic and Media Technology students, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana

    Authors and mentors: Assist. Prof. Maja Gspan Vavpetič and Gregor Franken, PhD

    The winter semester’s final Media Design task required that students assume a dual role: as the 33rd Liffe poster designers and attendees. Both were complete success! Their approach to content and artwork was informal, but with the mandatory use of the Liffe logo. This year’s motif was the kingfisher, the symbol of the main festival award. The posters on display were designed by the academic year 2021/22 study groups. 

    An Evening with Rajko Grlić

    THU, 11 November, at 19.30 (after the screening of Whichever Way the Ball Bounces)
    Slovenian Cinematheque, admission free

    On the occasion of the publication of Rajko Grlić’s autobiography, Še ne povedane zgodbe (As yet Untold Stories), in Slovenian translation; the book translator Ženja Leiler Kos and Igor Prassel, Head of Film Programme at Slovenska Kinoteka, in talk with the Croatian filmmaker (Slovenska kinoteka and Liffe’s Retrospective auteur).

    Image – Music

    FRI, 11 November, at 19.00
    E1-2 Hall, Cankarjev dom, admission free 
    8th International Competitive Music Video Section 
    Public presentation of best 2022 music videos: Arthur Studholme: Welshy: All for You; Scotty Simper: Sopico: Slide; Kasper Häggström: Radiohead: If You Say The Word; Winston Hacking & Michael Enzbrunner: Animal Collective: We Go Back; Valentin Petit: Rosalia: Saoko; Xander Steenbrugge: Max Cooper: Exotic Contents; Will Dohrn: Jeshi: 3210; Bryan Schlam: The Black Keys: Wild Child; Grégory Ohrel: Residente ft. Ibeyi: This Is Not America; Dave Free & Kendrick Lamar: Kendrick Lamar: N95; Simon Balázs: Odesza ft. Ólafur Arnalds: Light of Day.

    Talk about Contemporary Kosovar Cinema

    MON, 14 November, at 16.00 (after the screening of Vera Dreams of the Sea)
    Festival Centre, admission free 

    With: Blerta Zeqiri, director of The Marriage; Kaltrina Krasniqi, director of Vera Dreams of the Sea; Lum Çitaku, Director of the Kosovo Film Centre
    Kosovar cinema evolved from scratch after the war – without the requisite infrastructure or film experts. A few years ago, the younger generation took the helm, changing everything and giving the opportunity to younger filmmakers. Fifty per cent of the funds are now being allocated to female directors, which is a particularly exciting figure considering the fact that Kosovo is a patriarchal society. This year's Liffe Focus is dedicated to the recent years’ most successful Kosovar films – all of them made by women filmmakers.

    Slovenian Art Cinema Association Expert Meeting

    MON, 14 November, at 10.00
    E1 Hall, admission free 

    Slovenian Art Cinema Association Expert Meeting 
    Promoting Movie Theatre Programme On Social Media
    The meeting of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association – an alliance of quality and art film exhibitors – is dedicated to the fluid and ever-changing subject of social media: best ways to promote cinema programmes online, examples of good practices, and international online promotion practices.

    The Movie Business: Maintaining Mental Health in the Film Industry

    WED, 16 November, 10.30–12.30
    Lili Novy Glass Hall, mandatory applications by 11 Nov www.motovila.si (the number of participants is limited)

    Motovila workshop (Creative Europe Desk Slovenia) with a psychotherapist and film producer, Rebecca Day (Film In Mind, UK)

    Working in the film industry often involves the risk of an emotional and personal crisis. Although often perceived as glamorous, the movie business is in fact stressful: job insecurity, low pay, burnout, facing rejection, intense and long filming periods away from family. At Motovila Institute's workshop (CED Slovenia) psychotherapist and documentary producer Rebecca Day will urge the filmmakers to stay mindful of the film industry’s largely neglected mental health issues. 

    Masterclass with Dalibor Matanić

    TO, 15. novembra, 12.–13.30 
    Lili Novy Hall

    Screenwriter and director Dalibor Matanić will speak about making television series and films. Matanić has recently made a series of award-winning films (Zvizdan/The High Sun) and television series (Novine/The Paper, Područje bez signala/The Last Socialist Artefact, Šutnja/The Silence). 
    In cooperation with the Directors Guild of Slovenia. Participation free of charge. Applications This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 13 Nov (limited availability).

    The Invisible Orchestra of the Bridko Bebič Travelling Cinema: From Blacksmith to Miner

    FRI, 18 November, at 20.00
    CD Club
    Music and cinema 
    Bratko Bibič, accordion, vocals; Tea Vidmar, vocals; Ana Kravanja, violin, vocals; Marina Džukljev, piano; Eduardo Raon, harp, electronics; Samo Kutin, various instruments; Vid Drašler, drums
    In the context of the Cankarjevi torki Series

    Masterclass with Juraj Lerotić

    SAT, 19 November at 11.00
    Lili Novy Hall, admission free
    Director Juraj Lerotič will speak about the making of Safe Place, his feature-length debut that has won multiple awards at the Locarno and Sarajevo film festivals. The autobiographical aspect of the movie’s storyline is highlighted by the fact that the writer/director Lerotić plays himself.
    In cooperation with the Directors Guild of Slovenia. Applications This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 17 Nov (limited availability) 

    Pionirski dom at Liffe

    WED, 9 November, 16.00–18.00
    Film Scenes (8+)
    After choosing an idea together, we shoot a movie scene, with the participants assuming the roles of film actors, directors, cameramen, sound recordists. 
    E3 Hall, applications by Pionirski dom

    WED, 16 November, 16.00–18.00
    Drawn Animation (8+)
    The participants will learn about and compare the classical hand-drawn animation and digital 2D animation. As the free app Flipaclip will be presented, participants are requested to bring along their own smartphones or tablets (also available at the venue). 
    E3 Hall, applications by Pionirski dom

    Parents Go to Liffe, and Their Kids to Mala ulica

    9–20 November between 10.00 and 21.30
    Applications (contact us at least a day before the screening) and information: 
    E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. P 01/306 27 00 
    Babysitting at the Mala ulica Family Centre (Prečna ulica 7, Ljubljana) throughout the festival at the attractive price of EUR 6 during a screening plus additional 60 minutes for children aged between 4 and 9 when presenting the film ticket. 

    Kinodvor. Meeting point.

    Join us for a coffee and enjoy the cosy atmosphere before the first screening or long Q&As after the last screening. Café opening hours: Monday through Saturday from 9.00 until midnight, Sunday 10.00–23.00. 

    Matic Majcen 


    Petek, 12. novembra, ob 19. uri 
    Cankarjev dom, Dvorana E1–2 
    Glasovanje poteka do 17. novembra 2021.
    • MTV pri štiridesetih

      1. avgust 1981 je za glasbeni video ravno tako pomemben, kot je bil 28. december 1895 za film. Podobno kot je film obstajal že pred prvo javno projekcijo bratov Lumiere v Parizu, je bil tudi glasbeni video že pred začetkom oddajanja MTV-ja razmeroma uveljavljen. A dogodki, ki so se zgodili na ta dva datuma, so tako za eno kot drugo formo v tok pognali kolesje razvoja na vseh ravneh, ki ga ni bilo več mogoče zaustaviti.

      Oba dogodka imata še eno skupno lastnost: da je njuno podoživljanje prežeto z izkrivljeno mitologijo. V primeru bratov Lumiere pogosto slišimo pretirane anekdote, da so gledalci kričali in bežali iz dvoranice v Salon Indien, ko so videli Prihod vlaka na postajo Ciotat (film, ki ga tisti večer sploh nista vrtela). Podobno se tudi za sekvenco, v kateri je astronavt zapičil MTV-jevo zastavo na Luno in je na zaslon udaril komad Video Killed The Radio Star skupine Buggles, intuitivno zdi, kot da se je revolucija nezmotljivo odvila prav v tistih nekaj minutah. V resnici pa je vojna za globalni vpliv tega kanala trajala leta in je bila prežeta s hudimi boji, med katerimi bi lahko vse skupaj tudi padlo v vodo. Ironično zgodovinsko dejstvo je, da tistih ikoničnih prvih minut MTV-ja v živo ni videl skorajda nihče, kajti kanal je bil leta 1981 tako minoren in obskuren, da je bila verjetnost njegove umeščenosti v kabelsko shemo podobna zadetku na lotu. Manj znano je denimo tudi, da je bilo oddajanje že po nekaj minutah začasno prekinjeno zaradi tehnične okvare. In nenazadnje se je prebojno vpeljevanje žanrov, kakršen je hip hop, na tej postaji začelo šele v drugi polovici osemdesetih z oddajo Yo! MTV Raps. Do tedaj je bil MTV izrazito belski kanal (celo do razsežnosti rasizma), usmerjen v pop in rock glasbo za predmestno in urbano občinstvo.

      A prav ti porodni krči so imeli nepričakovano pozitivno posledico. Ko je MTV začel oddajati, so video klipe zaradi pomanjkanja ponudbe jemali z vseh vetrov, večinoma je šlo zgolj za posnete studijske in koncertne performanse. MTV pa je bil prva medijska platforma, na kateri so se tovrstni glasbeni kratki filmi soočili med sabo, kar je sprožilo srdit boj za to, da bi založbe in glasbeniki svoje videe naredili boljše, bolj zanimive, bolj izvirne. In to je bil tisti revolucionarni premik – ideja, da bi za snemanje videa k sodelovanju povabili uveljavljene televizijske in filmske režiserje, ne pa zgolj snemalce, ki so tisti dan stali za kamero na dnevni izmeni. V nadaljnjem poteku osemdesetih in devetdesetih let je prav ta ideja dosegla vrhunec v razmahu avtorske videospotovske ustvarjalnosti, ki je pogosto imela ogromen vpliv povprek celotne globalne pop kulture.

      Ob 40. obletnici MTV-ja je zato pomembno zavedanje, kako veliko je ta kanal naredil za glasbeni video, kakršnega danes gledamo v povsem drugačnih okoliščinah na spletnih platformah, kakršna je YouTube. Res, s spletom in digitalizacijo smo izgubili centraliziran sistem distribucije, ki je iz videov delal instanten in vseobsežen globalni fenomen, a namesto tega smo dobili izredno demokratizirano, bogato, široko in razpršeno ponudbo, ki je ohranila vso spremljajočo ustvarjalno zmogljivost. Videospotovske mojstrovine lahko danes vzniknejo kjerkoli: lahko gre za pop izvajalca na veliki založbi in z velikim režiserskim imenom, lahko pa za majhen, neodvisen, doma narejen video, ki ga nadarjen najstnik posname na telefon. Vznemirljivo je živeti v času, ko je ustvarjalnost tako raznovrstna in dosegljiva, da lahko vznikne na povsem nepričakovanih krajih. Naša naloga v tej postemtivijevski dobi je tako predvsem ta, da se potrudimo pogledati mimo trmastih spletnih algoritmov, kako bi odkrili nove preboje, ki se skriti pred očmi dogajajo onkraj komercialnih in ideoloških predalčkov.

    • Glasbeni videospoti